Why are our most precious relationships so hard?

My sermon yesterday tried to answer the question: why does it sometimes seem like our most precious relationships are also the hardest? Here's a link.

Here are some thoughts from yesterday.

(1) It was great to reconnect with my old friend Dwight from Seminary. We lived across the street from Dwight and his wife for a year and a half, attended the same church, won the same post-graduate fellowship and now both work in Asia (he's in Japan). He's one of two people from Seminary that I've seen since graduating (with the exception of a continuing education event I participated in a few years ago).

(2) Our music director wasn't around Sunday, but he had a friend of his fill in. She brought a monster solo during the service. It was great and the lyrics to the song were awesome. It's rare that I am touched by that kind of song. Usually not my style, but the first half of the song talked about how Jesus tried to explain who he was and what he was about while on earth, but his followers just couldn't understand. The second half of the song talked about the resurrection and how those who chose to kill Jesus just couldn't keep him down. I love the connection between our not understanding and our not being able to prevent the resurrection at the same time. Beautiful. I'm so glad Jesus' saving power is not dependent on my own understanding.

(3) For a holiday weekend - we had a great turnout. It "feels" like we are starting to fill the seats in the morning again. That's a very good feeling. Hoping that it continues.

(4) Caspian is such a good sport in the children's stories! :-) He always gets volunteered to do the hard work.

(5) It was great to have Siri sing again in the evening. I was surprised to learn she lives just around the corner from me!

(6) Always love the relaxed atmosphere in the evenings. Despite the holiday, our attendance was still pretty high. Praying that God would continue to stretch us and grow us. Something is up in the evenings - Lord - help us to be faithful in making the kinds of changes necessary to most effectively accomplish that which you are calling us to.

(7) Regarding Relationships: It's so easy to blame others when we misbehave (you made me do it) and often hard to look inside to try to understand what in our own hearts led to our behavior. But it's worth it to look inside because knowing ourselves is a huge step toward allowing the hurts in our hearts to be healed by God.

(8) Don't EVER let someone tell you that people can't change. God can change anyone. God can heal anyone. That's what God does.

(9) Heard a wonderful testimony over street noodles. Ket told us that she became a Christian while taking the world religions class in her Buddhist school! That's a new one and it's a lovely testimony. I love hearing these kinds of stories.

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