Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Bangkok

Christmas Eve worship this year will be at 6pm. It'll be a service of carols (lots of them), candles and just a great time for the whole family. Kids are invited to come in their PJs so they can run home and get to bed so Santa has plenty of time to make rounds.

We don't collect an offering on Christmas Eve. This year, if you'd like to make a financial contribution, all money will go to In Search of Sanuk. They'll use it to help out urban refugees in Bangkok. These are some of the most vulnerable people in our city. With very few "rights," life is hard.

Some come and join us. Arrive early to chat and socialize and then plan to stay late for snacks.

Christmas Day worship will be at 10am (no Evening Worship on Christmas Day). This will be a very low key service full of images (for those visual learners out there). We'll have great music, warm fellowship and a chance to share some of what inspires us.

We'll have images of Jesus from around the world. The little boy born in a manger grew up. What might he have looked like? What would he look like today? We'll have a good potluck lunch after the worship. Come and share!

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