A Broken Hubcap and the Presence of God

I noted the hubcap that had been left in the parking lot on Thursday. I forgot to remove it. Friday I saw that someone had smashed it it tiny pieces and left it in the parking lot.

"Great. Someone's gonna get a flat tire." I thought. Then got busy and ignored it. I found it still there on Saturday morning and it's easy to imagine an elderly person from church parking Sunday and not being able to leave because they ran over the fragments.

So I cleaned it up.

What struck me when I finished is how this broken hubcap lay just across the street from the church. I saw it, but then got busy and forgot.

That makes me wonder how often there are broken lives right across the street from the church. We see them. But we get busy and forget about them. It strikes me as a great parable.

Don't forget the broken pieces right outside.
Don't forget the broken pieces in your homes.
Don't forget the broken pieces.

God is putting things back together. Will you join? Or will you be too busy?

Sometimes those broken pieces are us. The questions are the same more or less. Will you join (let God put your back together)? Or will you flee?

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