Should I go to church during Covid?

In-Person AND Online for Sunday June 14

I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. - 1 Corinthians 9:22-23

The doors to the church will be open at 10:30 on Sunday for the first time since early March! My job is to discourage many of you from coming, while admitting that I'm looking forward to seeing some of you!

Isn't that weird?

I have outlined elsewhere that masks will be required. Physical distance will be maintained. We will not have group singing the first week. The service will be very short. I joked with  a friend that it might feel more like a Quaker meeting than a Baptist church service!

I want to make one thing really clear: If you are uncomfortable coming back right now, that's okay. I would prefer to see 20 people Sunday than 100. There is no shame is waiting until you feel safer. God is okay with that.

One of the things we see clearly in Scripture is that although God is present in a special way when "2 or 3 are gathered" (Matthew 18:20), God is also present at all times and in all places (Romans 8:38-39).

So whether you come in person at 10:30 (English) or 12:30 (Spanish) or watch online at 6:00pm know that God will be present with us in a special way as He guides us through this time of displacement.

Oh and one more thing - If you've been watching online you are NOT "returning" to church. You've been coming all along. Just not in-person. The church never shut. We just adapted. And we will continue to adapt as God leads so that we can share in the gospel's blessings.


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