Sunday Reflections (on Monday) and Sermon Link

Here are some random thoughts from Sunday. But first a link to a text version of Sunday's sermon.

(1) It's a lot harder to get to church with all our stuff when we don't have our car. A taxi is just not the same. Laura knocked the left rearview mirror off the car on Friday. Argh. I really hope it is fixed by next weekend.
(2) I don't know what got into people Sunday morning but we had a majority of people present by 10am (when we start). That's very unusual for ICB. Usually at 10am we are working with about 20% of the congregation that will be present by the end. Good job folks for showing up on time.
(3) We had fun today.We handed out Palms and the choir and the kids processed.

(4) We took out an front page top left ear ad in the Bangkok post Saturday. A similar ad will run next Saturday (before Easter). Our website received the most hits in one day it's EVER gotten. But the hits came on Sunday? And we didn't have a huge onslaught of visitors. In fact, we only had a few. I wonder if the ads will work better for Easter? If ONE person finds a church because of that ad and connects or reconnects with God it will be worth it.
(5) We had a very meaningful communion service today entering into the mystery of our Lord's life and death.
(6) Secured a guitarist (or two) for Easter Sunday night. Thank God. I was worried about that. Looking forward to hearing Eva and possibly Chai and Esra play together.
(7) I had fun after church joking with Malcolm and Mio while they counted the offering. We probably had the largest single day offering in the history of the church! Double our normal first Sunday of the month total.
(8) Rushed home to watch the video of the UNC - Villanova college basketball game. If you are not from the US - you have to understand - the NCAA College Basketball tournament is like our Worldcup. It generate THAT kind of excitement. My team won. Happy day. I DID look at the score before watching the video. I just couldn't resist knowing.
(9) Had to take my motorbike for Evening Worship. It rained like crazy about 45 minutes before I had to leave and the whole 20 minute trip had me freaked out I was gonna get wet with $2000 USD worth of equipment in my backpack. God delivered me to church without a drop of rain.
(10) Enjoyed chatting with Marion and Michael before church.
(11) The music rehearsal was great.
(12) The atmosphere was great. Last year when the Songkran holidays hit we had a few worship services with like 15 people present in the evenings. We were just getting started. Tonight we probably had 30+ people. And it was a holiday weekend. And it was ONE week before Songkran. Awesome.
(13) Enjoyed the fellowship after church. Especially talking Muay Thai workouts with Pookie and Aiko. I never would have guessed! :)

Those are 13 fun things that happened on Sunday. How was your Sunday?

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