
Here's the link to Sunday's sermon.

Here are some thoughts from the day...

It was great to chat with Nick briefly and hear he's excited about helping teach Sunday school. I love enthusiasm. So much better than feeling like you are pulling teeth. (Hint folks. If you don't want to do something, say "no". Better not to serve than to serve out of a cold heart!)

It was great to have Jane, Dodo and Bang in church talking about Pahk 16 AIDS Ministry. Jane and Dodo did a great job and told some great stories. The one about the most twisted person Jane's ever met (and I'll bet Jane has met a few) who became a Christian before she died was powerful. The first evidence they saw of a change of heart is when she reached out to a woman whose husband had AIDS.

I was sad that not many choir members showed up. But it's a blessing that our music director has a killer voice and he was able to jump in with a solo offering.

Loved seeing the seats fill up in the morning. Haven't had a lot of that over the last year.

It was great to see more than one of our newcomers bring friends from work with them to church. It was timely too because I talked about our role as Christians to help bring our friends to Jesus. (Luke 5:17ff)

Had a somewhat relaxing afternoon reading about WorldConcern's Christmas Gift ideas.

Off to evening church, which as it often is was just a relaxing joy to be part of.

Great to talk to Rukshan about Baptism and Janelle about membership.

Next week's task... increase attendance by getting the posters back up. Then we'll get a sign on the door. And the sky's the limit.

Enjoyed street noodles with friends after church.

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