Boobs and Bible: church signs that just shouldn't be

Found this over at Tall Skinny Kiwi's blog.

It's hilarious and reminded me that one time our church advert in the Bangkok Post was next to an ad for a sex change hospital. Talk about an invitation to rebirth and new life! Fortunately our ad didn't use the words exaulteth, reproach or cleanseth (BTW spell check only recognizes one of those words!).

It does make you wonder though... what WOULD it take to speak an authentic word of goodnews to those headed to "Big Jim's" or to the Bangkok Sex Change Hospital? I don't really know many Christians engaged in serious conversation or ministry with people that would frequent such places. But isn't that part of our calling? Aren't we supposed to bring the light of God into the world? How can we if we can't have a conversation?

Just some stuff to think about.

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