Sincerity isn't enough

A few months back, Laura and I packed Jake and Anna into the car and headed off for Ayuttaya. “Don’t worry about a map, honey, I know where I’m going.” :) Famous last words. :)

We speed up route 1 north. And about 45 minutes north of Bangkok, there is a fork in the road. One way leads to Ayuttaya, one way leads toward Kao Yai. I bear right at the fork. And as I do I see the sign for Ayuttaya pointing to the left.

If you’ve driven much in Thailand you know that one wrong turn and you are toast. 30 minutes later and an argument with a guard at the EXIT of an industrial estate. I don’t know how we got in, but I know the guard was surprised to see a private auto with two kids in the back on the way out! 30 minutes later we made it to Ayuttaya.

What I want to point out is that I was very SINCERE when I said we didn’t need a map. I was sincerely… WRONG. Does that ever happen to you? Probably no one reading this can relate!

When you get lost for 30 minutes, it’s not really that big a deal. But what about when you are dealing with more important stuff? What about when you are dealing with matters of the soul? Or of the spirit? Being sincere, but sincerely wrong doesn't help much when you are destroying yourself or others.

We are in the second week of a sermon series at Intl Church called "The Lying Mirror". I'm talking about the importance of looking to God to find out who we are. If we just take a look in the mirror, our own insecurities and the lies of others can really throw us off track and we can find ourselves sincerely lost very easily. Better to ground ourselves in something eternal... like the Word of God.

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