A Surprising Secret to Becoming More Generous
No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.. - 1 Corinthians 10:24
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about MARGIN.
Margin is simply about making space in your life.
It can be about time. Leaving enough time so you aren't rushed. If I have 1 hour appointments at 9am, 10am, 11am, noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm; I have no margin. But if I have 1 hour appointments at 9am, 12noon, and 3pm; I have margin. I can take longer than scheduled if needed. There is time to think, pray and rest.
It can be about money. If I have $3000 to spend on rent and I find a place for $2999; I have no margin. The smallest miscalculation can send me into a mess. But If I have $3000 to spend and find a place for $2500; I have margin. Room in case of emergency.
Leaving margin in life is a great way to overcome the hyper-busy, hyper-extended life that many of us naturally drift into.
I read something last week that Andy Stanley, a pastor from Georgia, said about margin.
He said: "I am at my most selfish when I have the least margin, and I am at my most generous when I have the most margin in my life."
Think about that.
I know it's true for me. I am much less present when I have no margin. I'm anxious when i have no margin. My relationships (with people and God) suffer when I have no margin. Why? Because I have an agenda that must be pushed. Even if I think that agenda is from God.
If God calls us to be generous and not selfish - I think creating margin in various areas of life is of crucial importance. Maybe it's not true for everyone. But it is certainly true for me.
What about you?
The less I do, the more time I have for others, and the more Christlike I become.