Livestream Sermon for June 14: How to stay calm when you're offended

I wonder if anyone else has had this situation occur recently.

You are scrolling through FaceBook or some other social media. And you come across a post from a friend that just makes you want to scream. (Maybe it was one of my posts!!!)

And when you saw it your first impulse was to set them straight.

If I just post that clever meme in the comments.

If I just point them to the compelling article.

If I just correct the facts and use a little strong language - then surely they will repent of their sins and see the light.

How many of you have had that experience recently? (Give me an “amen” in the comments if you know this feeling!)

What I want to do in this sermon is SHOW you (*ahem “us”) a better way. What I’m about to share will save friendships. It will help you avoid family splits. And generally make your life (and my life soooo much better). 

AND - maybe more importantly of all  - will give us all a better understanding of exactly what God has done for us.

Check out this video for the sermon.

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