Church Planters

One of the saddest things I experienced while in Seminary studying to be a pastor was leaving my dorm on Sunday mornings to go to church while perhaps 50% of the other students didn't bother to get out of bed.

When asked about this - some of them gave a lame excuse like, "Once I graduate, I'll have to go to church every Sunday. This is my last chance to sleep in." I was glad to know they were so passionate about worship. :(

My dismay has been rekindled living here in Thailand. I've met one too many self-appointed "Church planters" who are not plugged into any local body of Christ. Where do you worship? "By myself in my apartment." Who are you accountable to? "God only."

How can you be a church planter if you think you don't need to be active part of a local expression of the body of Christ?

For that matter - I'm amazed at how many missionaries have no serious relationship with a local church.

I know that going to church doesn't make you a Christian. I know that you don't have to be in a church to worship God. But God set up the church for a reason. We need each other. We need structure. We need encouragement and accountability. Cruising in once a month didn't cut it for the disciples. I fear it doesn't cut it today.

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