Prayer Requests for Sept 7-14

Here are some things I'm praying about especially this week. (I can't share everything I'm praying about. Some of it is too personal, some of it has been shared in confidence and some of it is just plain top secret (just kidding :-)) But seriously - here are some things I can share. I'd love to have you join me.

(1) I'm using Pauls prayer in Eph 1 vss 15-23 to work my way in. I will be praying this for ICB for the next few weeks (perhaps until October).
(2) I'm praying for our children's Sunday school program. It started back well last week. We had 20 kids involved. I'd like to see the numbers double this year. That will have to be a God thing - 'cause I don't have the slightest idea HOW that will happen. We do have a great slate of teachers. What an inspiration these folks are!!! :-)
(3) I'm running a "Marriage enrichment" program Sat and Sun 27 and 28 of September. I'm praying for good participation and for lots of people who either aren't Christian or aren't practicing Christians. Our prayer is that they will be drawn to Jesus because of the seminar.
(4) I've got a friend who is making a really important trip to Europe this week and next. I'm praying for her. May God give her insight and wisdom.
(5) We're going to do something in December that has never been done before at ICB! It could be huge. I'm praying for that. Can't tell you what it is yet, but expect a big announcement in October.
(6) The big "living in Bangkok" expat fair is this weekend. I'm praying that lots of people would end up in church because of this fair. I'm also praying for the other churches that are participating. I'm praying for a few more volunteers.
(7) We've got Elisha Children's Home coming this weekend. I'm praying for them and for the ICB folks who are going to escort the kids to the science museum after church.

I'm giving thanks that my dissertation was approved on first reading. That was huge. I'm giving thanks that God supplied us with Sunday school teachers. I'm thankful that our friends at UNOH are settting up a microenterprise bakery and that some folks from ICB are going to go help paint the place on Saturday. I was thankful for church on Sunday. Both morning and evening BLEW ME AWAY.

There's a lot going on. God is moving. What a privilege to be part of it all.

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