If you've been hurt by church or Christians this might help

I mourn the fact that so many wonderful people have been scared away from Christianity because of Christians who didn't act like Christians should. I've been on both sides of this equation. I've done stuff that hurt others in the name of Jesus. I wish I hadn't, but I have. I've also been the one wounded by someone else acting in the name of Jesus. What do we do with that? Here's a sermon that talks about the issue and how we (Christians) can be optimistic and joyful about our faith in Jesus when sometimes our greatest heartaches are caused by our "brothers" and "sisters". Link here.

Here are some other thoughts from Sunday.

* Great to have Welmer back. And amazing to have 8 or so voices in the choir even in June. Usually towards the end of June, July and beginning of August we struggle. Not last weekend.
* Great to see Malcolm. And to see Andrew for the first time in a few years.
* Sermon hit a nerve. I think people were surprised when I said, "Not everyone who comes in the name of Jesus is doing the work of Jesus. And you have permission from Paul (and me) to avoid such people. Beware of them. They will steal your joy."
* Too often we think because someone uses the name of Jesus that they must be doing God's work. Not true. Some people just slap the "jesus" tag on their own agenda.
* Great crowd Sunday night. Marion and Den did a fabulous job leading worship. It's great to see two people grow in their ability to lead God's people in worship. :-)
* Great time Watching World Cup after church too. Love the community that has developed (again).
* Really felt the spirit of the Lord strongly in both services today. I hope and pray that the worship was healing and inspiring and challenging. We want nothing more than to see Jesus lifted up.

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