Leadership Lessons from Bill Hybels

Bill Hybels is the super awesome pastor of Willow Creek Community Church outside of Chicago, USA. Willow Creek has literally transformed modern Christianity. In my opinion mostly for the good. I read his book Axiom a few months ago and here are some notes from the first few chapters. Perhaps these nuggets will inspire you to buy the book. His insights are particularly for church leadership, but application is great for business too.

Here are some of the highlights from the first few chapters ...

* (I'm terrible at recruiting people to be involved in ministry. Bill nails me with this one...) "when handled properly, people are actually quite flattered to be asked to do significant things for

* The nature of human beings is such that we tend not to drift into better behaviors. We usually
have to be asked by someone to consider taking it up a level.

* Don't ever apologize for the strength of feeling you have for the vision that God has put into your
life. Don't hide your feelings about it.

* You will never take big hills without making bold moves. The alternative is incrementalism, which
is dangerous and often deadly to organizations.

* Leaders have to contend with this idea of how seriously we will pursue our God-given visions.

* At Willow, our “balanced budget” includes a significant contribution to reserves and
substantial “set-asides” for operating contingency funds.

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