Sunday Reflections

Here is the text from Sunday's Sermon.

Here are some thoughts from the day.

* First I should mention (because I failed to do a Sunday reflection last week) that I enjoyed two great worship services last week. In the morning I went with my parents and family to First Presbyterian in Anderson, SC. It's an old school, traditional church. The worship style falls flat on me. It feels like they take themselves too seriously. But the "spirit" of the place was great and the preaching was inspiring. There was also a clear positive relationship between the pastor and congregation. Really enjoyed it. Then in the evening I went to NewSpring. Anderson's very own megachurch. As expected, everything was first class. An absolutely great sermon calling everyone there to a simple act of faith in Christ.

* Now for Intl Church. It was great to be home Sunday. I'm still heavily jetlagged, but it was still nice to see folks. There were a couple of surprises in the AM service. People I didn't expect to see. :-)

* It's tough to return on a holiday Sunday because attendance was horrible. Maybe 80 people in the morning and 25 or so people in the evening. But the spirit in both services was brilliant.

* I especially loved hearing Kob's testimony before the morning worship. And then seeing church members praying together during the fellowship time after worship in the morning.

That's it for now.

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