A Fun Day Celebrating Unity

Here is a link to the sermon from Sunday.

Today was World Communion Sunday. Churches all over the world from a wide variety of different denominations and traditions all celebrated Holy Communion today in a show of unity. Jesus' longest recorded prayer is in the Book of John and it's that his disciples would be unified. We've messed that up over the years. Sometimes dividing over serious issues of belief about God and sometimes dividing over petty stuff. Either way - today was different. And for that I am grateful.

A few cool things happened today.

*Our morning choir had over 15 voices. It might have been 18. That's amazing. There is so much potential here.  And it adds a ton to worship when we have enough voices to sound full. Thanks God. I've been praying for this.

*Some people just refuse to be part of the group. No matter how hard you try to reach out and include them, they just refuse. Gotta learn to trust those folks to God. Keep reaching out, but not hold myself accountable for their choices.

*A funny friendship was born today that is right out of the kingdom of God playbook. I can't give any more details without betraying people's privacy, but a few people listened to the Holy Spirit today. :P

*Heard a rumor of someone requesting baptism. Haven't had a lot of those this year. So that will be very wonderful. November or December?

*I think I'm digging our new seating arrangement in the evening. Thanks Tim.

*Enjoyed meeting some new folks today. But I didn't get contact info... Arghhh. :( I hope someone else did.

*And finally, yes, we did have chocolates (both high quality Swiss and local Timtams) as well as pita, wheat breads, white bread, sticky rice and donuts on the altar this morning and tonight. Don't you wish you took communion at our church!?

Grace and peace

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