Sunday thoughts

Here is the link to Sunday's sermon.

Here are some thoughts out of this past Sunday.

* Great to see a few Church of Christ Thailand (CCT) Missionaries in worship with us. We had folks in the morning and evening. The CCT Annual Meeting is this week.

* Great to add another "new" voice to the choir. If everyone came on the same day, we'd have 20 voices. That's awesome. It never happens, but it does mean that MOST Sundays we have 10 voices or more and even on a low Sunday, like this one, we still have more than 7 voices. That's a huge difference from two years ago when a bad Sunday meant 4 voices or less.

* There was a good feeling in both worship services today. Lots of energy and excitement and fun.

* I had the joy of having three great singers sit behind me in the evening worship. That meant I could sing as loud as I wanted and no one could hear me. :P That's a blessing for everyone. Andy and Smith and Marion did such a great job leading!

* Yes, I did take a swig of Coca Cola in the sermon today. And, yes, it was the first time I've ever had an excuse to drink Coke in a sermon.

* No, my parents never said "Oh. Okay, then go have a great time with the neighborhood drug dealers." I can't believe anyone thought I was serious!

* I'm serious about starting a "virtual" homegroup and doing it over ichat or skype. I believe Christian community is THAT important. Get in touch if you'd like to try it.

* I was humbled to have Rob in worship in the evening. He just celebrated 50 years of missionary service in Thailand. It reminds me that the six years I've been here really just makes me a beginner!

* Don't forget, "Those who walk with the wise become wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." (Proverbs 13:20)

Grace and peace.

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