How to change the world

Here is a link to the sermon text based on 2 Cor 5:17-20

A few questions for Bible study.

Think about some issue or thing in our world that just breaks your heart and that you'd like to see change, but seems too big? How does that make you feel?

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-20

What do you think Paul means by "in Christ" in verse 17?

Why would the message that the old is gone and the new is here have been particularly meaningful to Paul? (Consider his background as a religious terrorist)

How does Evangelism as the work of Reconciliation impact your thoughts about it? So often evangelism is seen as divisive and negative. But reconciliation is such a great word...(vss 18-19)

What does it mean to be an Ambassador for Christ? (vs 20) In your family? In your neighborhood? At your church? In your office? Are there different rules for different parts of life? Different strategies? And sensitivities? Where do you struggle with this most?

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