One Person's Experience on an Intl Church Mission Excursion

View of Sangklaburi's famous bridge

Sangklaburi is a quiet town perched on a long, narrow lake amongst steep, jungle-covered mountains. The cool mountain air was a welcome surprise from the oppressive heat of Bangkok. From the moment we started our journey together, our expectations grew as we shared our experiences and bonded with anticipation and excitement.

We settled into our ‘home away from home’, where floating house-boats congregate at the lake's edge, long-tail boats zip back and forth and mist rises out of the trees shrouding golden temples in fog one moment, then parts and a shaft of light shines on a gilded roof.

Slowing down to the pace of Sangklaburi won’t take too long as we gathered at the local Thai market for a late lunch. Thunder clouds rolled in and a quick but heavy downpour interrupted the sleeping animals around our feet as water began trickling around our table and dripping from the many holes in our makeshift shelter.

Kwai River Christian Hospital entrance
The natural beauty of the area is not limited to geography. A new mother smiled weakly as we peeked into a bassinet and crooned at her tiny baby at the Kwai River hospital. Another mother was laying in the bed beside the baby, mourning the loss of her own stillborn child and in a room Just across the hall, dengue fever patients were being cared for by their family members and a few staff. It was a slow Saturday at the clinic with no admissions to the 25 bed hospital although Dr Scott Murray was still busy seeing outpatients and ordering blood tests with authority and gentleness all at the same time. He greeted us briefly and mentioned that he would be able to spend more time with us later.

Then there was Leah. What an amazing woman. Leah has been living on the grounds of the Kwai River Christian Hospital for more years than she cares to remember. I think she mentioned 30 years! She has seen many changes over her time here and embraces many of the volunteers who come to assist in any way they can.

Leah is a qualified nurse who runs the TB clinic at the hospital and is currently overseeing the Candlelight Project... which we are going to tell you about Sunday 27 May.

Or to read the whole account, go here.

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