4 Things to Pray About

Ever wonder what you should pray about? What are you worried about? That's a good start. After that we also want to pray proactively. Here's a great way to start.

#1 – Pray for your friends who don't know or don't care that God loves them. See your relationships as opportunities to make a positive difference in people's lives by introducing Jesus into things. Pray for opportunities and courage to help them draw closer to God, to one another and to God's creation! (Psalm 2:8 talks about a promise God makes to us.)

#2 – Pray for opportunities, resources and courage to serve others. God has gifted us and wants to use us for HIS glory and to help redeem the world we live in! (Read Matthew 25:14-30 and ask how did the Master treat the people who used what he blessed them with?  And what was his response to the guy who had buried it?  AND…which person are you in that story?)

#3 – Pray to embrace change. Growing people change. People who aren't growing are dead. Spiritually. Physically. (Try reading and PRAYing over Psalm 139:23-24. Ask God to reveal your next step.

#4 – That we would all embrace the fact that we cannot do life alone. We talk a lot about community at Intl Church. You are not alone. Pray that you embrace it and that God would give you brothers and sisters to encourage you, challenge you and inspire you toward greater faith and trust in Him. (Read Daniel 3, and count the number of times “we” is used in this particular text.

Thanks to Perry Noble for the idea for this list.

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