Creative Christian Feminism and Photos of a Daughter

In Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile (can't be racist), neither slave nor free (can't be elitist), nor is there male and female (can't be sexist), for you are all one in Christ Jesus. - Paul in Galatians 3:28

In a world where women are often treated less than human. Where images of exaggerated sexuality abound, it is great to see a mom fight back in a creative way.

For her daughter's fifth birthday, Jaime Moore wanted to make some special photos. The only ones available were Disney Princesses. Jaime has nothing against Disney Princesses, but she thought there should also be more substantive options. So she dressed up her daughter like five historically significant women and the images are amazing.

Click here for all five.

As a Christian male with a six year old daughter, I hope I can be as creative in teaching her about who she is and what she can become. Somehow I think God would want that from a Christian dad.

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