Don't Judge, Just Love

I was thinking about this Scripture this morning in my morning prayer time. And, of course, Jesus is warning about judging others without grace while hoping to receive grace yourself.

But I wonder if it also applies in the other direction. Are there also dangers in judging people positively? In assuming their motives are pure? Their lives clean? Their thoughts are pure?

Seems to me that is also dangerous.

For one thing - it puts a lot of pressure on the other. Have you ever had someone look up to you in a way that made you uncomfortable 'cause you knew you just weren't that good? It happens sometimes to pastors. As often as we are hated because of what we do - we are also exalted because of what we do. And both hurt.

When we are exalted - the expectations can overwhelm us.
When we are exalted - people forget we have feelings and failures.
When we are exalted - we cannot be loved.

There is a sense in which judgment disables love... and that's true whether I judge harshly or generously.

That's what attracted me to the picture above. "Don't judge, just love." Yes.

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