Trying to Make Sense of Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh

The "United" States has become an oxymoron.

Our disunity was on full display Thursday and Friday with Senate subcommittee confirmation debacle.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Judge Brett Kavanaugh when they were in High School. Judge Kavanaugh has claimed he didn't do it and it isn't the person he is.

Could they both be right? Can they both be telling the truth? Is this a he said / she said moment with no possibility of resolution?

I heard her testimony and believe it was credible. I also believe there is an element of truth in the Republican charge that Democrats are using this. Not trumped up charges, but charges optimized for political gain. These aren't the same thing. But I say it to acknowledge I has some sympathy for the Republican frustration and suspicion.

So I worried as Kavanaugh began to testify that it was going to be a wash. She was credible. He was credible. What can we do?

But his testimony turned for me. His testimony put me firmly in Dr. Ford's camp. And here's why.

In my work and in my personal life I have known, loved, cared for, counseled and pastored many many people who had a problem with alcohol. Kavanaugh's testimony sounded to me EXACTLY like someone who has a problem with alcohol and has not come to terms with it.

Many people pointed out his passion, defensiveness, anger was all appropriate for someone falsely accused of sexual assault.

Yes and no.

Yes, on the sexual assault charge. I'm sure THAT CHARGE has devastated his family. I was not surprised by the defiant tone he took about that. 

BUT his reactions to the questions about alcohol were textbook alcoholic in denial.

His emotions were all over the place. He displaced. He redirected. He was outraged. He admitted "I like beer" over and over and in the next breath huffing and puffing about what exactly "blacking out" means.

Democrat Senators blew an opportunity. Instead of asking him if he had / has a drinking problem. They should have asked him if anyone has ever told him or expressed concerns about his drinking?

They have. He spoke like a man who has been hounded by this accusation before. This is EXACTLY how they react when confronted.

Drinking to excess does not mean he did this. But it does impair judgment. It does take away inhibitions and blur boundaries.

My guess is that he doesn't remember what happened that night with Dr. Ford. Not because he blacked out, but because for him it was unremarkable. AT THE TIME many boys and men would not have considered what he and Mark Judge did to be a sexual assault. (Many still seem to struggle with the idea!)

My guess is that somewhere deep down he realizes this might have happened. If he is the decent guy people say he is, he must feel terrible.

My analysis is speculative. I cannot say any of the above with certainty. Here are a few things I know for sure.

The tragedy in this is Judge Kavanaugh will probably never have a chance to think seriously about any of this. He has to defend himself.

The tragedy is that Dr. Ford will never get closure.

The tragedy is that our political system does not allow for healing. Repentance. Reconciliation. Genuine listening. Or any of the kinds of things I believe God might use to redeem these people and this situation.

The result is two families in pain with no real end in sight.

I am praying for them both and for the soul of our nation. I hope you will, too, regardless of political persuasion.

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