Sunday Night Sermon

I just finished work on my sermon for Sunday night. It is one of the most important and most difficult sermons I've ever worked up. Funny how the timing works. It will likely be one of the lowest attendance points in the year due to the Songkran holiday.

Even this week there is a noticable exodus from Bangkok as people return to their villages and towns or go on vacation. I've been able to drive places without worrying about traffic. I've been early everywhere I've gone this week.

The Sunday night sermon will be about guilt. Why it's a HUGE problem to carry it around with you and what you can do about it.

I'm also excited about Sunday morning. The message there will be great too. Part 3 of "Spiritual Warfare for people who don't see a demon behind every tree." We are going to deal with the Devil's tactic of heaping "Discouragement" into our lives. I know lots of people who need this one.

If you are in Bangkok this weekend - I'll see you Sunday.

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