Sunday afternoon thoughts

Today was a really nice morning. A couple of miracles happened.

(1) We had 23 people welcomed into membership this morning. They were ALL present. To get 23 people in town on the same day and in the same place at the same time is a first order miracle in Bangkok. We have 2 more joining tonight. Honestly I don't know if either will be present. One is in Canada. The other might still be Japan.

(2) I got through the entire service withOUT loosing my voice. I lost my voice last Sunday afternoon. Had very little volume for the evening service. Made it worse Monday - Wednesday as I was traveling with a group of new friends and I wanted to be social. I rested it Thursday - Saturday, but that hasn't been enough. I started weak today - but it didn't get any worse. Miracle. (update: in fact, by the end of the Evening worship it was almost back to full strength. Have you ever heard of THAT!? A sore throat getting better by talking a lot?)

Other stuff that has happened so far today hasn't been so miraculous, but was still nice. We had over 26 people attend the new member welcome lunch. That was very enjoyable. It was great to see table conversation going at all three tables.

I have found that I hate worship when I have a sore throat. It pains me not to be able to sing. Really steals from the atmosphere. I'm afraid I have that problem one more time (tonight).

My sermon (will post later in the week) was important. If the congregation listens and takes action - it will really make a difference in a lot of spiritual lives.

I am very much looking forward to worship this evening. It's going to be awesome. There is a bit in the sermon this evening that couldn't be included in the morning.

Update: Really enjoyed the evening worship tonight. And especially afterwards getting to reconnect with someone I've missed recently. :)

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