No Sermon to Post

You can learn a lot about a person by the kinds of deals they are willing to make. The used car salesman who will throw his mother under a truck to make a buck. The scrupulous insurance salesman who tells you that a better deal can be had down the street. You can learn a lot by the deals people enter into.

A covenant is essentially a agreement. Over the next few weeks, the sermons at Intl Church are going to look at various covenants God has made with individuals and nations. There is a lot we can learn about God by studying the agreements He's made. Check it out beginning this Sunday.

BTW - the image comes from a guy named Steve May. Thanks Steve.


Sorry - I know - it's been awhile since I wrote anything worth reading here. Sorry. My excuse for the last few weeks has been that I was in Burma until last week. Then I was playing catchup (still am a little). I did preach Sunday night, but I was telling a story that's a little sensitive, so I'm not posting. If you email me and I know you - I'll send you a copy of what I said (mostly). :)

If I don't know you... sorry. Can't send this one.

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