How NOT to make an offering

I was walking down a street near my house the other day when I saw a street vendor stop in front of an apartment building and collect the plate and food that had been sitting out front as an offering. I thought to myself - "that's a pretty weak way to make an offering."

Some rich guy just paid someone else to make his offering. He doesn't have to cook. He doesn't have to bring the food. He doesn't have to clean it up. He doesn't have to make any sacrifice at all. He probably paid less than 30 baht (1 USD). That's no sacrifice. It's no way to make an offering.

Christians sometimes do this. We don't pay street vendors to leave plates of food out in front of our businesses or homes, but we DO write checks without getting involved. We pay pastors and music leaders and expect they will do all the ministry. We use "setting boundaries" as an excuse to keep control of our time, money and talents.

That's no way to make an offering. Setting boundaries is good and necessary, but not if it's an excuse to stay in control. Writing checks is good and necessary, but not if it's an excuse to not get involved personally. Pay pastors and music leaders is good and often necessary, but not if it's an excuse to not do ministry ourselves.

Offerings are sacrifices. When was the last time you made a real sacrifice for your God? What was it? How did it impact your spiritual life?

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