A few things I want to change

The "I WANT CHANGE" sermons start this weekend. I'm so looking forward to this. Thought I'd let you in on some of my priorities in 2010. These are not in order...

(1) Pray every morning before checking email or sports scores. (Exodus 20:3)

(2) Less soda. (1 Corinthians 6:19) My goal is no coke except on weekends.

(3) Delegate more. (Exodus 18:13 and following)

(4) Exercise 5 days a week. (1 Corinthians 6:19)

(5) Preach less. (Exodus 20:8) I think I preached 46 or 47 Sundays in 2009. It's too much.

(6) Spend more time with people who are not in my church... yet. (Luke 19:10)

(7) Assume the best about other people's motives. (Matthew 10:16) As the verse suggests, this doesn't mean being naive.

(8) Always have at least one friend who is really poor. (Matthew 25:31 and following) The keyword is "friend".

I have a few other commitments going into 2010 for things I'd like to change in my life and/or community. These are the ones I feel good about sharing publicly. What about you? What are some of your "resolutions" going into 2010?

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