Why would Apostle Paul have been on a "no fly" list?

Here's the link to Sunday's sermon where I compare the Apostle Paul to the would be underwear bomber of Christmas Day 2009.

Here are some thoughts about Sunday.

(1) The day started out with a minor frustration. We drive down Silom road to get to church. When we went to turn onto it, their was a gate blocking off the street. But the taxis were going around, so we did too. Mistake. They were setting up for a big street fair and it took us about 15 minutes to get through. I was more worried about other people coming later to church who would be running 10 minutes late already. Then hit the street fair, be delayed another 15 minutes, thus showing up 30 minutes late for a 1 hr worship service (or just deciding to stay at the fair realizing they'd already missed most of worship!).

(2) Then it was FREEZING in church. I don't have access to the temperature controls. And almost every time I've tried to get something changed (I think there are only three settings high, higher and highest) something has gone terribly wrong. So I decided the whole congregation would just have to tough it out.

(3) I was informed 10 minutes before worship that the College has decided to turn the room we use for a nursery into an archives room. Therefore starting next week, they will break their end of the contract and we'll have to choose a new room for the nursery. Not that big a deal really. Just a minor challenge.

(4) I mention the above three things just to let you know some of the things that can distract a pastor from the main thing right before worship starts. (There were other issues too, but too minor to mention.)

(5) Despite #1,2 and 3. I entered worship pretty worshipful. And so did the congregation. There was a nice "spirit" in the air yesterday morning.

(6) The choir was back. That was great. We'd missed them. Do any other English speaking churches in Bangkok still have a weekly choir? I don't think so....

(7) In the evening - the street fair really messed us up. A few folks phoned to say they turned around and went home. Fortunately I took my motorbike - with computer, projector, bible, and candles. It was quite a load, but saved me 30 minutes stuck in traffic!

(8) It was Sam's first time leading singing in the evening. He was great. Great I tell you. The man has a gift. Den also led and Beatrice too. God has really blessed us with wonderful talents in the evening. For such a small worship community, we've got it going on musically most nights.

(9) Despite the low turnout of regulars in the evening - we had pretty good attendance overall - with a good number of local visitors. Yeah!

(10) And there was GREAT energy in the service.

(11) Yes, I did say that the Apostle Paul were he alive today would have been on everyone's "No fly list". Why? Because before he became a Christian he was a religious zealot terrorist. (see Acts 9 and Galatians 1)

(12) When Paul looked back on his life he was SURPRISED that God choose to use him. He didn't think he was worthy considering his background. (1 Tim 1:12-14)

(13) Paul thought God chose to use him to do amazing things SO THAT you and I would have NO EXCUSE. (1 Tim 1:15-16) Imagine the conversation with God. "But God, I can't share my faith, I don't know enough about the Bible." God replies, "But Paul was a blasphemer." (1 Tim 1:13) You say, "But God, I've got a pretty rough history. I've done some bad stuff." God replies, "But Paul was a terrorist. A violent man." (1 Tim 1:13) You say, "But God I don't have time. I'm very busy with work." God says, "I helped Paul change jobs." (Acts 9:1-9) You say, "But God, I have doubts. I'm not sure if I even believe this stuff." God says, "Paul didn't believe. I convinced him." (Acts 9:1-9)

Grace and peace.

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