Another Great Sunday

Here is a link to Sunday's Sermon.

I'm unusually tired tonight so I think this will be brief.

*Today started a series of Stewardship Sermons... "Using What God Gave You". I don't really like to preach about money (and the series isn't all about that), but I've got a lot to say on the subject largely because Jesus talked about it constantly.

*I took out the most aggressive lines from my sermon this morning and evening. Just didn't feel that confrontational.

*Approaching "Stewardship" as investing what God has given you is a great way in. It is so true that when we invest selfishly we end up with emptiness, disappointment and loneliness. Great that Jesus says no matter how many investment regrets you have, you can still come to him and he'll give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

*We did something new in the evening. We did a 5 minute silent meditation. Wow, 5 minutes seems like a long time when you've got a room full of people. In the privacy of my study, 5 minutes goes by fast. In a room full of people it seemed like an eternity.

*Heard a great testimony after the morning worship from a guy who visits a couple of times a year. He was explaining how tithing had changed his life. God is really good, because he admitted that when we started, he didn't even go all the way. He gave 5%. But I think that was 5% more than he'd been giving in the past. And his entire life turned around. If you knew you could give 5% and your life would change immeasurably for good, would you do it?

*We've been experimenting with our seating arrangement in the evening to get more seats into the room. Good thing too because attendance last night was back up near or above 50 people.

*I pretty much had to consider swimming home last night. It started raining like crazy about 5 minutes before I left the Guest House. By the time I hit Rama IV road (about 1 mile away) it was flooded. By the time I got near my house (about 4 miles away) the flood was mid-tire height and I was worried about making it all the way home.

*Next week's World Communion Sunday is gonna be great. It's a Sunday you don't want to miss.

Peace and Grace -

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