Thoughts from Sunday

Here's a link to the sermon text.

A lot of great things happened yesterday.

(1) Our outreach partner in the morning service from Kwai River Christian Hospital was really fabulous. It's one of the best presentations we've had in my six years. I wish we'd videoed it. Others could learn from Dr. Scott Murray about how to share what God's doing in their ministry.

(2) Kind of a low Sunday (morning and evening). I don't know if it was the weather, the flu, Dengue fever that's been going around, or the Red Shirts. But neither service was overflowing with people. THAT being said, there were still good crowds. And the Word was still preached and sung and prayed.

(3) Was super-excited to have some of our newer folks gather together for a meal after church. Friendships are an IMPORTANT (essential?) part of church.

(4) It's true that I DID emphasize the fact that we are all dying... over and over again during the sermon. To the point where even I was starting to get depressed. But I hope the point came through that BECAUSE we are all dying (or in decay) as the passage so vividly points out... it is sheer folly to put your hopes in another person or any other living thing. They are dying. They may give you some great memories, but it's gonna go bad. A sure fire losing bet!

(5) It's true that I did tell a joke during the sermon that started out "A priest walked into a bar...." Can you tell jokes like that in church?

(6) We had a really good meeting in the afternoon of the church leadership council. I'm really blessed to serve in a church that's cooperative. We are all really about the same thing... Advancing the work of Jesus here in Bangkok and around Thailand. It was great to pray together for those who are new at ICB. If you recently joined or you started coming between May and now - you were prayed for yesterday afternoon. :P

(7) I was sooooo tired last night. I just crashed asleep before CSI NY had even started!

Grace and peace.

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