Ruining Ruth - A Christmas Sermon

Here's a link to Sunday's Sermon.

A few people figured out where I was going before I got there. It wouldn't have been hard if you just read the Bible. :) The particular sermon I preach yesterday gets a lot of push back from people when I teach it in Bible study format.

Some highlights from yesterday.

*Choir was much smaller today, but still did a great job.

*I was really encouraged by the overall turnout for worship both in the morning and evening. Combined we had about 140 people in services. For the Sunday after Intl Schools went on break, that's a pretty high number.

*We aren't a BIG church, but we have a BIG heart and BIG impact. And I like the fact that as pastor I can know most people by name and pray for them in very personal ways!

*Loved singing "What Child is This?" in the evening. Andy and Smitha and Jack did a great job.

*It's true that "feet" in Hebrew can be a euphemism. And "undercovered his feet" in the book of Ruth very clearly means she took off his underwear. Look it up... Ruth 3:1-8. What? You think it means that she tried to send a chill up his spine! Silly. Silly.

*If God can redeem and use people like David and Bathsheba, Judah and Tamar, Rahab and Ruth - God can surely redeem and use people like you and me. That's really goodnews. And it's the POINT of the story of Jesus birth (at least according to Matthew, who was inspired by God).

See you Friday Night for the most awesomist Christmas Eve Service this side of the Chao Phraya! :)

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