How to help women get out of prostitution

This Sunday (13 March) friends from Rahab Ministries here in Thailand will join us for worship both in the morning and evening. They'll share stories of how God is at work in the Patpong Sex District. They introduce us (figuratively) to women who've been exploited in this industry and give us ideas about how we can help. Of course we can...

* Pray. Prayer is powerful and sometimes the only way to overcome some of the evil we encounter in the sex districts of Bangkok. Pray for God to bless and protect Rahab's ministry. Pray for the women who have taken steps to get out. Pray especially for those who have become Christian but are still working because they don't have realistic options at the moment.

* Learn. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is ignorance. It's important that the stories be told. Both so we (on the outside) know what the reality is. And so that those on the inside know they are not alone. So come and hear the stories.

* Volunteer. Most of the volunteer opportunities are for women. There is a jewelry making shop and other micro-enterprise opportunities.

* Buy Jewelry. As gifts or for yourself. Honest work feels much better than a handout.

* Give financially. Honest work might be preferable, but we still need donations.

* Re-post or tweet this blog so that others know what's going on. Patpong is a shell of what it was a number of years ago, but there are still 1000s of women trapped in this business in Bangkok alone. It's a major problem worldwide (as CNN's new series is drawing attention to). You might not be able to do everything, but you can do something. Perhaps it would start by just coming Sunday and listening.

For more information about sex industry stuff and human trafficking take a look at

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