How to love as Jesus loved

Here is part 2 of the Relationships Series: Can this relationship work?

Here are some thoughts from Sunday.

(1) Enjoyed hearing testimony from friends from the Christian Prison Ministry in Thailand. One big surprise was the statistic that perhaps 20% of the people in prison in Thailand are Christian. In a country with far less than 1% of the nation Christian, that's a surprising statistic. (Is it true?) It does make some sense that people who are suffering would turn to Christianity. We offer a loving graceful God, not karma and THAT has to be a great comfort.

(2) The idea of using art and music therapy in the Thai prisons has been very effective! Wish we could have heard a little more on that as apparently it's been very effective.

(3) It was great to have an almost full choir back this Sunday. It's amazing to me how we can go from 4 singers one Sunday to 10 the next for no apparent reason. And MOST of them showed up on time for rehearsal.

(4) I am increasingly convinced that Philippians 2:5-11 is the most amazing, inspiring, awesome passage in all of Scripture.

(5) I really do know someone who DJed at a wedding and played "50 Ways to Loose Your Lover". Oops! LOL

(6) Loving your spouse (boyfriend or girlfriend, parents, children, friends) in the same way that Jesus loved you means EXACTLY what Paul says it means (no selfishness, considering the other as more valuable than yourself and looking to his/her interests rather than your own). Most relationships I know would be transformed by doing just one of these things.

(7) No, I have not taken up cross-stitching and I doubt I ever will.

(8) Funny thing though - the nicest lady cornered me for about 5 minutes after the evening worship service to talk about cross stitch. Did she not listen to the sermon!? :-)

Enjoy your Monday.

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