Why did the Protestant baptize a baby and present a rosary?

Here's the sermon. By clicking on this link and reading this sermon you agree NOT to use this against me should I ever need to interview for the pastorate of another Baptist church. :) My understanding and beliefs about Baptism have not changed since coming as pastor of the International Church of Bangkok.

Here are a few thoughts from this past Sunday.

(1) the morning service was incredibly complicated. I did leave some things out, but (in the end) I think it all went pretty wonderfully. Out of the ordinary stuff... Den played guitar (without rehearsal) on many of the hymns.... Introduced Amy and Den as new Pastoral Assistants... Welcomed new members: Ramon, Matthew, Wewe, Ethan, Elizabeth, Tim, Amy, Ella and Ariele... Baptized Makeeda Nova AND presented a Rosary... AND we had Communion.

(2) We presented the Rosary in the spirit of it being a liturgical aide to prayer. As Protestants we don't encourage prayer to or through Jesus' mother Mary. But we do love prayer. And we pray that the rosary will help Andrew and Sasha teach Makeeda the habit of prayer and the joy of communion with God in prayer.

(3) I did say that I would have never accepted the job as pastor of the International Church if I could have looked into the future and seen myself playing a country/western pop song in a church service!

(4) I believe one of the real joys of being part of an international, multi-denominational Christian church is not having the luxury of being sectarian. We constantly have to make choices about what is central and what is not. That's why I love Ephesians 4:4-6, Paul is so clear about what is most central to our faith.

(5) Really appreciate all the Sunday school teachers making Tracy and Amy feel so at home. I think they are both going to do great at managing/leading our Sunday school program.

(6) Loved our Evening Worship last night!!! By the time the service was mid-way through it was standing room only in the back... SERIOUSLY! This is an item for prayer - Lots of new people that need to make friends and connections!

(7) Sam did a phenomenal job (again) leading worship. He's really gifted and talented.

That's enough for now. It is 5am after all and I probably need a little more sleep before the day hits me. No Superbowl for me this morning. I'm gonna get some administration done.

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