Blemished Sacrifices

I always thought that Malachi 3:8-12 was the painfully blunt bit about tithing in Malachi. But today I was reading in chapter 1 and this gives chapter 3 a run for it's money. Check out Malachi 1:6-14.

What do you think your "crippled animal" is? I have some thoughts on mine. I have a tendency to do "religious stuff" all day and then really give God my leftover time. I squeeze in prayer here and there after sermon prep and counseling and meeting with newcomers. I even put my morning prayers after my morning workout. There is nothing inherently wrong with that except that what comes second is more likely to end rushed.

I think the harsh truth is that God wants our BEST and our COMPLETE ATTENTION. And God is actually offended with our excuses.

I preached a pretty forward looking "imagine what difference we could make" kind of sermon a few weeks ago on financial stewardship. I sometimes wonder if these sermons should have more "threat" and less "inspiration". Read Malachi 1:6-14 again. God is really angry. He's asking SARCASTIC QUESTIONS with attitude. He's getting a few things off his chest. Do we really want to blow Him off?

Thank God He's merciful. Thank God He's full of grace. Let's not take these things for granted and take God for a fool.

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