Combat lies with the truth

Here's a link to the sermon Sunday.

One of the most distressing aspects of much of modern Christianity is the idea that perhaps we don't really need to use our minds. No thinking. No real questions. No doubts. Just sit down and shut up. It's as though if we thought about stuff we are afraid of what we'd find.

Life in Grace is about trusting God enough to really love the truth. 2 Thessalonians 2 says that people perish because they REFUSE to love the truth. They weren't tricked into it. They weren't confused. They REFUSED. They intentionally avoided knowing the truth. What lies are you embracing and why?

*We had a great lunch today after the morning worship.
*It was also really good to connect with a couple of old friends I hadn't seen in a while.
*It is devastating as a pastor to watch and hear as people make decision after decision to prioritize everything except their relationship with God and God's church. (See rant above about self-delusion). I had a couple of *those* conversations today where I just had to shake my head and wonder if the person I was talking to believed their own lies. :(

It's a sad way to end the Sunday summary. But on that note - I think I need some rest.

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