Does Facebook Advertising Work for Churches?

At International Church, we've moved all our media advertising online. We run google ads as well as facebook ads and we have a social media presence on twitter.

 Just a few years ago we had none of this. The only ads we ran were an occasional ad in the Bangkok Post. We went in with a couple other churches and ran a joint ad. Since I don't subscribe I almost never saw it. One of the few times I did see it, the church ad was placed next to an ad for a sex change hospital. I guess they figured we were both in the transformation business. ^-^

Last year the church council conducted a congregational survey and learned that a large percentage of our congregation found us via the Internet. Apparently we have a decent website (thanks Msac). So we decided to leverage that by increasing online adverts.

Since then people have regularly told me they found the church via Facebook especially. Just yesterday, a lady introduced herself and said that she had moved to Mae Sot (border town with Burma about 7 hours by car). And our church kept showing up on her Facebook page. So she figured she'd better visit.

Facebook is great for advertising because it's really easy. You can target to specific types of people, regions, languages, interests, etc.... You can specify how much you spend. And you can get pretty detailed info on who is responding to your ad.

Now it's a long way from a click through advertisement on Facebook to an in person visit to a church. But it does seem to be attracting visitors to our worship services.

What have you found most effective in terms of letting your community know you are there?

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