How Christians can deal with competing pressures in life without loosing our mind

Here is a link to Sunday's sermon.

I was *thrilled* to learn some of the different things people said they learned from this sermon at dinner.
(1) Who is the greatest Oscar host of all time.
(2) That we don't have to do what anyone says... except God (closer).
(3) That Paul (the apostle) wasn't innocent.

I had a great Sunday. I really enjoyed morning worship despite a rocky start that included us starting before most of the choir had made their way into the auditorium. (Time management. Time management.) Here are some of the ways I think God was working.

* Joel did a great job as worship leader. (This despite the fact that he really had not had a chance to center himself and I could see his hands shake as he approached the microphone. I gets easier. Don't worry.)
* Moses took on a really important ministry. Freeing (hopefully) John to take another one.
* I thought the second song in the morning might flop, but it turned out it needed less help than we thought and it was beautiful. I was wrong... for which I'm grateful.
* Choir was a blessing in the morning. And Shirley sang. Hallelujah.
* Judah's honesty during the children's story was refreshing. I asked, "Anybody know anything about 'cheating' and he said with boldness, 'I do.'" ^-^ Me too, buddy. Me too.
* Really, really, really enjoyed lunch with Nae, Manee, Jenni, Joel, Allyson, Chris, Laura, Jake, Anna, Kazi and Judah.
* Before worship in the evening, I enjoyed a chat with John and learned how Christians in one church in one African country are sending missionaries to their neighboring country because of a vision God has given them.
* Thanks to our worship team in the evening. A joyful evening.
* It was nice to meet Ann and her friend ??. Hope they are able to come and stay for a whole service soon. Lots of people are needing to find jobs. Anybody looking to hire English teachers in Bangkok? I could recommend three or four.

Read the sermon to find out how to deal with competing priorities in a Christianly manner without loosing your mind.

My new favorite verse is 1 Corinthians 4 where Paul says, "My conscience is clear, but I am not innocent."

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