A Theological Approach to Dealing with Bullies

Here is the link to Sunday's Sermon text.

Highlights from Sunday included...
* The choir in the morning was about as good as I can remember them. Really a blessing.
* Sad to say "Goodbye" to Andrew and Amy. They have been great friends and ministry partners.
* Thanks to Allyson for leading Humble King. It was a blessing.
* Great to welcome Moses and Bee into formal membership.
* First Church Council meeting of 2011. What a blessing to serve with such wonderful and talented people. The meeting wasn't exactly what I expected, but it has potential.
* Too much to do in one day.
* Didn't really get into worship in the evening until the last song... but really loved it. I think it took me so long because I was rushing to get everything set and not really focused. Perhaps that's a good tip for others who might benefit from not rushing in at the last minute... it takes awhile to settle.

Good night.

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