Jesus vs Religion: A Sunday Sermon

Religion and religious people can be nasty, mean and arrogant. That's why Jesus often came into conflict with them (us). Here's a link to Sunday's sermon.

* Love the energy Cecilia brought praying and reading Scripture in the morning.
* Thanks to Jack, Charis and Sam for leading beautifully in the evening.
* It was great to see Rukshan and Jean yesterday. And it was a special blessing to hear how Jean is doing. Two years ago he was really suffering and desperate. Today his life is completely transformed. God is good.
* I wish I'd had another hour to preach today in each service. There is soooo much to say about those few verses. There was one inconsistent point running throughout the sermon. Did anyone catch it? If I'd had an hour, I could have straightened it out. 20 minutes is not enough time sometimes. (And is more than enough time others)
* Thanks to Mark Driscoll for a couple of great stories to use. (Just because I used a couple of his illustrations does NOT mean I endorse everything he says! Same goes for Joel Osteen. Mentioning him was NOT an endorsement. Both have great ministries though.)
* True religion is not a competition, but a community of love with God and others moving toward God's kingdom.

Grace and peace.

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