Missional Church

I'm reading a book called "Treasure in Clay Jars" edited by Lois Barrett. It is the culmination of study a group of scholars did around some churches they found to be missional. I'd define that term for you - but it is loaded with a lot of discussion going on around the world about it. So I'm going to go for a simplistic explanation. Missional is about "going out" of the church walls to help people connect with God rather than "inviting the world in" to the church to meet God. Missional vs Attractional. I'm not convinced the two forms of ministry are (or should be) mutually exclusive, but the distinction is helpful.

The love for the "going out" is why their chapter on worship and public witness is so interesting.

In the ministry of Jesus "the reign of God was becoming manifest (evangelism happened) through the life, instruction and preaching of Jesus." Nothing out of the ordinary there. But then he says "AND the common life of the disciple community...."

Let me translate. Evangelism was done not only in Jesus' public preaching, teaching and healing, but was also done simply by the disciples forming a church and their commitment to each other which was then seen by those on the outside and attracted them into the faith.

Later one pastor is quoted as saying "the community of God should reflect the character of God."

Wow. That blows me away.

Questions for churches and Christians about their church and evangelism. Are we a place of grace for one another? Or do we engage in the same sort of winner-takes-all political games that the world does? If it's politics as usual then we have NO WITNESS (to use a biblical image "our light isn't shining").

Are we committed to each other? Or do we participate when it's convenient for US? If it's only about convenience - then we aren't part of the church. Not the true church anyway.

Do we hold up holiness as the goal and distribute forgiveness freely? That's what Jesus did. High moral standards. Quick to embrace repentance.

The community of God should reflect the character of God. Wow. Do we?

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