Sunday between worship comments

Sorry for the lack of posting this week. Actually I have some interesting stuff going on, but I didn't get around to writing about any of it.

Stories from the Klong Toey slum just break your heart. Our friends the Barkers looked like they'd taken the brunt of it after returning from holidays. I wonder how often people say that about me. Too many abandoned kids. Too many addicted parents. Too many sick (with HIV/TB/Etc) everybody. I read "The Gospel According to Father Joe" this week. I highly recommend it. I don't agree with him about everything, but his ministry is great.

It's been an emotionally and spiritually challenging week. I got word that a marriage where I performed the wedding and did some counseling is falling apart. It's hard to hear - especially as I am fond of the people involved.

There are other things going on that I don't feel free to share 'cause I want to respect confidentiality. Had some nights where I didn't sleep well though.

Then this morning we had friends from Kwai River Christian Hospital in our worship. Lea Lindero is great. She's a gem. One of our members asked at one point what is one piece of equipment or technology you really wish you had but don't. "A respirator" was the answer. When someone stops breathing they pump air by hand. Sometimes rotating people for days at a time. Anybody got a respirator they want to donate? Unbelievable ministry. Also they are down to one doctor. Usually it had been 2 or 3. Now one. I think the slide show said they service about 17,000 patients a year! Wow. How can anyone shoulder that burden? Anybody got a spare doctor they'd like to donate? A specialist in tropical diseases and war injuries would be helpful.

Okay - gotta go. I'm preaching in an hour. I'll praise Lopez Lomong and Father Joe in my sermon. If you don't know who either is... a google search would be well worth your while.

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