Prayer Update

Today is a great day. I still feel 100%. So I think perhaps the flu is really past. Yeah. Here are some things I'm praying for/about this week. I'd love to have folks join me.

I'm still starting my prayers from Phil 1:9-11. I'm praying the prayer that Paul prayed for the church. I'll be using that until I'm done with the Philippians sermon series on Sunday nights. Should be another few weeks. It's been a GREAT series by the way. I don't mean that in a boastful way. I mean I've learned a ton. God has really taught me some stuff over the last month. We've traced the theme of "Partnership" from chapter 1 all the way through the letter and it has really brought home some stuff for me.

Then I have some standard prayers I pray each week. But here are the updates specific to this week with explanation.

  1. Pray for Nee and Chatt. Nee's mother died Friday.
  2. Pray for RoseMarie. Her mother died in June. I hadn't seen her since then and didn't know until yesterday.
  3. Pray for Didid and Primita on the birth of their daughter. Again - I'm a little late to the game.
  4. Pray to find a better way to collect info on newcomers and get regulars involved. We are conducting an experiment along these lines. And it's working... sort of. I think we can do better. But I'm not sure how.
  5. Pray for more visitors; seekers and mature Christians in our worship services. Normally we get a lot of newcomers in July and August. Thus far - not so much this year.
  6. Pray for recruitment of Sunday school teachers and helpers for children's classes. We want the BEST for our kids.
  7. Pray for adult discipleship. There are small groups of people that I'm discipling. I'd love to have other people leading these groups.
  8. Personal: Pray for Anna to continue to improve her sleep. She's been getting better, but still not consistent.
  9. Personal: Pray for Jake’s back-to-school. I think when he shifted mid year last year it was hard for him.
  10. Pray for a gracious reading of my dissertation and approval on the first go round. I know - that would really take a miracle.
  11. Pray for discipline to get sermons prepared ahead of time. I'd like to get two months ahead.
  12. Pray for discipline to drink less coke, eat no candies. I need to have better nutrition discipline in general.
  13. Pray for discipline to exercise regularly. I'm actually thinking of trying to learn a little Muay Thai.
  14. Pray for discipline to pray and study more.
  15. Pray for the ability to become a better listener. I talk first too much.
  16. Pray for the December two – services format. We'll be experimenting in December with two morning services (one more liturgical and one more contemporary). Pray that we do both services well and that it is a blessing for all involved.
  17. Pray for Church Council and planning for the September meeting. We are talking about how to get more members involved more deeply in the life and ministry of the church.
  18. Pray for Evening service and the continued development of the core group of regulars. This evening worship has really been a blessing for me personally. I'd like to see it mature and develop. Praying about what that might look like.

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