Mohammad Yunus on Healthcare

This video talks about the Grameen Health Initiative. It's a low cost healthcare provider in Bangladesh. Part of the vision of Mohammad Yunus.

This is creative stuff. Christians used to do this kind of thing. Are we still involved? Tons of hospitals and educational institutions were founded by Christians as part of mission efforts. But many of these are not longer associated with churches either because the ministry created became too big for the church that started it or because it ceased to be a ministry. (This happened to Intl Church with ThaiCraft. ThaiCraft started out as a ministry of our church. We eventually spun it off for the sake of ThaiCraft (it was too big) and for the church.

I think this is a shame. Is it impossible to do Christian social service without loosing the evangel component?

I'm preaching tomorrow and next Sunday from Matthew 5:14-16. In this section Jesus says that we should "let our light shine before others IN SUCH A WAY that they will give glory to God.

The goal of our do-gooding should be God's glory. Too often we just give this up... when we do something so good that it catches on... we let the "witness" part go to be more inclusive and bigger. Let's repent and move forward.

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