Sunday Sermon and Thoughts

Here's a link for yesterday's sermon.

Here are some thoughts from yesterday.

My expectations were exceeded throughout the worship service in the morning. From now until about 10 January are typically some of our lowest attendance Sundays of the year because so many travel. Well here are some things that surprised me...

(1) The choir was fuller than I thought it would be. In fact, it was at full strength. Not the same voices as always, but voices nonetheless. That didn't happen by accident.

(2) The congregation was fuller than I thought it would be. During the week, it felt like EVERYBODY was writing Facebook updates from abroad. And many were. We weren't full, but we weren't empty either.

(3) Our outreach partner (Elisha Children's Home) was early. This is unusual but it enabled me to help them decide when to do what and that made for a really enjoyable presentation. It's always so inspiring to hear testimonies from kids who've been orphaned about how good God is to them.

(4) The Intl Church Potluck had lots of really good looking food. (I abstained!)

(5) The Christmas Carols on the River was wonderful as usual. Special thanks to everyone who did a tremendous amount of work to make this a success. What other church sends 90+ people floating up and down the Chao Phraya singing about Jesus!

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