14 fabulous quotes about the benefits of honest doubts for Christians

I read John Ortberg's book Faith and Doubt in preparation for the "Doubt" sermon series we are in now. It's a pretty good (not great book) about the whole phenomena of doubt and faith and how the two go together in both destructive and constructive ways. Here are some great quotes from the book.

(1) Theologian Lesslie Newbigin writes that we live in an age that favors doubt over faith. We often speak of “blind faith” and “honest doubt.” Both faith and doubt can be honest or blind, but we rarely speak of “honest faith” or “blind doubt.”

(2) Doubt is a good servant but a poor master.

(3) A lot of people think they believe in God, but they really don't.

(4) If I did not doubt, I'd be just another one of those suckers P. T. Barnum was so grateful get born once a minute...

(5) When people of faith are not willing to sit quietly sometimes and let doubt make its case, bad things can happen.

(6) There are Unitarians who, Bertrand Russell said, believe there is at most one God.

(7) ...our true “credo” might involve beliefs like these: I believe that a lie is a bad thing, but it might be necessary for me to avoid pain. (“A lie is an abomination unto the Lord and a very present help in time of trouble.”) I believe that it pays to be nicest to people who are wealthy, attractive, smart, athletic, successful, or important. I believe that I have the right to pass judgment on others. I believe that I have the right to gossip about people. I believe that I had better be looking out for number one. I believe that things have not gone as well for me as they should, so I deserve a little treat: another doughnut, another drink, another pill, another fantasy…. I believe that thirty thousand children dying of preventable diseases every day in our world are not worth risking my affluence for.

(8) Interestingly, Jesus never said, “Believe my arguments.” He said, “Follow me.”

(9) One of the biggest illusions we have about our minds is that they are generally governed by reason.

(10) God seems to present himself to us in such a way that people who want to dismiss God will be able to dismiss him.

(11) One question that helps settle my doubts is this: Were these horrible atrocities the outcome of Jesus' teaching or violations of it?

(12) Sometimes doubt can do good in us. It can motivate us to study and learn. It can purify false beliefs that have crept into our faith. It can humble our arrogance. It can give us patience and compassion with other doubters. It can remind us of how much truth matters. 

(13) Give a skeptic a hug, and she will doubt that you really mean it. Give a cynic a hug, and he will check for his wallet to see if you've picked his pocket.

(14) Religious fanatics always lack the humility of uncertainty.

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