Some Sunday Thoughts

If you are looking for a link to Sunday's sermon. Here it is.

Today was pretty hectic in mostly a good way.

* I learned that one of our members was arrested by the immigration police last week on his way to church. It's miraculous that he was released. He was held from 8am till 9pm. Thailand is a hard place for those who are refugees having fled their home countries.
* Good to see another few folks trickle back into town from vacations in the morning.
* Had a really nice chat over lunch with some new friends.
* Sad to hear about two more people leaving Bangkok this morning as well.
* I did give the congregation in the evening pastoral dispensation to LIE under a particular circumstance. Wouldn't you like to know what that circumstance is?
* Great to have dinner with a few new friends after church, sad to say good bye to someone that although they haven't been around ICB long, have made a nice contribution.
* Don't forget - knowing things ABOUT God is not the same thing at all as actually KNOWING God.

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