A tale of two churches

I'm on vacation. And one of the things that means is I get to visit other churches. Maybe it's a professional hazard, but I love to visit churches. I do it for the spiritual enrichment, but I also do it out of professional curiosity. And no, my family does attend every service with me. They come for one each week.

Yesterday I visited Hilton Head Island Community Church and First Baptist Church Hilton Head. They couldn't have been more different.  One worship service was a blessing. The other a curse. Let me tell you what happened.

At 9:15 I dragged my family and a friend's family out to Hilton Head Island Community Church. They rent space in an office park, but this is the last week of that. Next week they move into their own place. An office park isn't the easiest thing to turn into a church. They haven't done it well. The space is small with a low ceiling and generally not attractive.

But that was made up for with a number of friendly people greetings. One in the parking lot. And a number just outside and inside the door. Kids went to children's church, moms and dads went into worship auditorium. The band cranked up. A little loud for my taste. But other than that really great worship leadership. The leader, Cynthia was clearly having fun. She was leading worship, but she wasn't domineering. She wasn't showing off. Just enjoying herself, her band-mates and the congregation.

Pastor Todd preached on Patience as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. He was humble. Practical. And biblical. His main point was that patience is a hard virtue. And that the key to growing in patience with others is to appreciate the patience that we've been given by God. Great point. Great sermon. Thanks Todd.

Contrast this with what happened at 11:15 at First Baptist. It was their "modern" service. That meant guitar, drums and keyboard. Huge beautiful facility. "Modern" worship isn't held in the main sanctuary, but rather in the Family Life Center (cafeteria?). Greeted at the door by a few friendly greeters. Entering the space, it was movable chairs theater style, with round table set up around the perimeter. Just like the seminars tell you to do. Well done.

Powerpoint welcome slide was the American Flag with "Welcome to Worship" texted in.

Now I know that this is the Sunday closest to 4 July. And you should know I'm not a fan of patriotic displays in church. But this was the worst. Simply based on that I have to wonder what I'm being invited to worship. God? America? A particular version of America? (I'll explain later.) I remember a few years ago at Hilton Head Island Community Church their "patriotic display" was singing "Coming to America". That was a GREAT way to do it. This year, they didn't even mention it. I'm guessing it was an oversite due to distraction with a big move coming up next week.

Back to FBC. Worship leader was probably their minister of music. He was in a dark suit and tie (American flag tie). He probably led the "traditional" worship that took place at 9 in the main sanctuary in the same outfit. (Pro tip: don't do that. Atmosphere matters. That's why you are using the Family Life Center and have the round tables on the perimeter. Go all in. Go all in.)

Felt like a performance. He was very self-aware. Big smile at all times. Practiced jokes. High quality leadership that struck me as over rehearsed. Sorry for the bluntness and harshness. My guess is that he's a sincere, nice guy. Poor training. The worst was yet to come.

Senior pastor preached. He was also polished. Not so much the particular sermon being well-rehearsed. Although I'm sure it was. But he was polished all over. I don't know if he's a native southerner, but he tried to play up the "southern" bit. A lot. Too much. Multiple references to biscuits and gravy and sweet tea.

I did grow up in South Carolina. I know a thing about "down home" southerners. I'm not one. And neither is this guy. He's more of a wine and cheese southerner. Too rich for biscuits and gravy. The accent although possibly authentic - was not genuine.

The point of his sermon seemed to be that if you ask someone to pray for you, make sure it's a good, mature Christian 'cause (and I quote) "God doesn't hear the prayers of the unrighteous." Arrogant. Rude. And frankly unbiblical. His text had very little to do with his actual sermon. That was ironic because at the beginning he reminded us what a biblical preacher he is.

He also made multiple references to politics taking the conservative Republican side. Fine. But what does that have to do with Jesus? He never explained. In the end, I wasn't sure if I was being invited to embrace Jesus or Romney (although Romney was probably not this pastor's first choice. My guess? He's an "anybody but Obama Republican).

Sorry for the harsh assessment. That stuff has no place in a worship service. In my view - politics DOES have a place in worship. But it should be issue based, not party based. And you'd better tie it clearly to Scripture (not just one verse, but a theme....).

So - in conclusion. When on Hilton Head - visit Pastor Todd and the friendly folks at HHI Community Church. Skip First Baptist.

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