Vacation Church Review

The family and I worshipped yesterday at Lowcountry Community Church. It's the mother church to Hilton Head Island Community Church from last week. HHICC was in transition moving to their new facility, so we drove a little off the island to check out the mother church. I've heard Pastor Jeff Cranston preach before so I had a hunch it would be spiritually enriching.

It was.

The approach was pleasing enough. Easy to get in, find parking and follow the crowd to the auditorium. Greeted by a few friendly "greeters" on the way in. One of whom was about 11 years old and taking his job really seriously. LOVED it.

Both our kids chose to stay with mom and dad for the adult worship rather than kids church. Seems like the larger the church, the harder sell it is for the kids to go to a kids program. Shy? This was the biggest church that either of my kids have ever been to. They were a little intimidated.

We arrived about 30 seconds before the worship service officially started. I remember because of the big countdown clock. :). Interestingly - I don't think either of my kids was impressed with the "bigness" of it all. Or the "rock and roll" nature. The worship services they are used to at home are traditional style. Much lower energy and volume. I'm not sure of the "style" but definitely the volume and concert-nature of the service didn't impress Jake or Anna. Anna seemed annoyed with it and Jake just took it in.

Louder than I like. But high quality leadership. The main song leader had the classic worship leader personality. It was good. Wish the other leaders played a bigger role.

Sermon was great. It was from 1 Thessalonians 5. Jeff preached about some good habits for church goers that lead to a church community being full of life. Really appreciated the word from God through Jeff.

One thing I did notice: I've been to three worship services now in two weeks and no one has spoken to me at any of the three churches except for the designated "greeters" and all any of them have said were things like "Hello" and "Welcome". Makes me think, I wonder how much more awesome these worship experiences might have been if someone had struck up a real conversation? I wonder if I should have been that person even as I visit? And what is that like for people who visit ICB? Perhaps a sermon series on hospitality is in order at some point.

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